Tuesday 25 January 2011

New and Exciting Blog!

The Entrepreneur is a new blog where we'll be discussing issues about business, are you an Entrepreneur? this is your platform to express yourself or get ideas/share ideas that will grow your business. Watch the SPACE!


  1. I personally think that its about time that higher education institutions take further step and meet young entrepreneurs half way and open doors for them to achieve the 2020 job creation target, esp the FET's the training should be more practical and be relevant to the current business challenges in Mzansi. Equipment,marketing n funding should be available for the student like us with registerd businesses!

  2. This is a challenge to the department of education, yes Gift more practical is needed while still studying. The 18 post N6 should come as a complement, lucky we can share ideas and can receive business advice from this site, get your questions to be answered etc. De whole idea about the site, invite others so we get the ball rolling, hope the launch went well.
